Reunion Logo

      From Gary Peasley to Harold Peters





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Still smiling after thirty-nine years, we have here
Peggy Tolleson, Nancy Jordan and Georgia Collins (newer
names now). Sorry, no juicy stories to share. Pay up, girls.


 img_0199-sandra-joanna-tim.jpg (92868 bytes)
Sandra, Joanna and Tim are having a good time.


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 Reunited sisters, Virginia and Jeanette Mandella, pose
for another picture. Jeanette graduated in '66, Virginia
in ? Sorry. You were that little tagalong back in the days
when all I wanted to do was ship you off to Anyplace, USA.
Your mom made the best cream cheese and peaches jello
I've ever tasted! And your dad let me drive your sister to
Timbuktu in HIS cars! They both must have done a lot of


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Ginnie Skinner Guffey, Pat McMahan, and Ron Johnson,
partners in crime and who knows what else.


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In the middle is Diana West who lived on 12th Street
with her beautiful mother. Right across the street (for
a short while at least) lived the Anderson boys, Larry and
Bruce. You can probably guess what kind of shenanigans
transpired from such a scenario.